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Playbox Theatre
The Dream Factory
Stratford Road
Warwick CV34 6LE
United Kingdom​

Illustrative lines Illustrative lines Street Dance

With Cherelle Coleman

Home | Street Dance Masterclass

Street Dance Masterclass

Join professional dancer and choreographer, CHERELLE COLEMAN, for a high energy hour of street dance, which will challenge experienced dancers, and beginners, alike.

This workshop is open to Playbox members only.

Please wear trainers and comfortable clothes, suitable for highly practical work.

Cost: £2 per person

Places on this masterclass are very limited so book now to secure your spot!

Workshop Schedule

(Tap and scroll horizontally for more)
Session Age Day Time
Street Dance 13+ yrs Friday 1st December 7-8pm Apply


The Dream Factory, Warwick

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Playbox includes: -

  • A place in your designated Playbox Theatre Workshop
  • Eligibility to attend appropriate Playbox Theatre auditions
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  • Discounts on Playbox Theatre Holiday Projects
  • Tickets for Playbox Theatre productions (excluding Christmas production)
  • Discounts for special Master Classes
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Session Age Day Time
Street Dance 13+ yrs Friday 1st December 7-8pm Apply


The Dream Factory, Warwick