Directed by Emily Quash and created by Toby Quash & Blank-Shift Writers, this production is inspired by the Lewis Carroll classic, that follows the further adventures of ‘Alice’, as she journeys through the mirror into Looking Glass World.
Thursday 19th December at 7pm
Friday 20th December at 7pm
Saturday 21st December at 3pm and 7pm
Sunday 22nd December at 1pm and 5pm
Tuesday 24th December at 11am
Saturday 28th December at 3pm and 7pm
Sunday 29th December at 3pm and 7pm
Monday 30th December at 7pm
This production is suitable for audiences aged 5+
Please review our Box Office Terms and Conditions before purchasing tickets.
If your child is celebrating a birthday this winter, click here to find out about ‘Alice Through The looking Glass’ birthday parties.
This Playbox Christmas production is sponsored by ehB Residential.